On a 2000-acre operation with a 50/50 corn/soybean rotation and 160 and 50 bushel yields, respectively, and you move your sales from the lower third to the upper third of the seasonal price range, for your 2010 production, you would have added over $2.00 per bushel profit to your corn sales and upwards of $3.00 per bushel on your soybean sales. Your total gain in profits/dollars would have been well over a quarter million dollars!
It is Ag Masters' goal that by a producer adapting to our marketing strategies, he should expect to gain, as a minimum, $50,000.00 in additional profits per year. On this size of operation (as detailed above), the producer only needs to add an additional 20-cents per bushel on his corn and only 40-cents per bushel on his soybeans. (The amount of profit would vary depending on rotation practices.)